Personal Development, miscommunication effects and tips to avoid and be happy and about Vestige
Personal Development, miscommunication effects and tips to avoid and be happy and about Vestige
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One of our friend works as a manager in an insurance company. His work is to bring new insurance agents for recruiting customers. He informed his time about the scheduled training meeting before 2 days, and on that particular day before 3 hours, did follow-up and mentioned that they would be benefited by attending the training and their business will boost up. Everything is fine and they also postponed their scheduled travel and some have missed their occasion to attend. But what happened suddenly is that before five minutes of the meeting, he called up and told that the meeting was postponed and that he was informed just at that moment. What do you think has happened, obviously, everyone got angry and fought with my friend. He says he could not ask his senior management why they did not inform him fearing they would stress on his targets and increase his targets and cancel his leaves. We suggested that he should have told that his team members have scolded him for not informing them prior about cancellation without him directly questioning the superior management and that kindly communicate next time in case of any changes in scheduled meetings. There are also some other mistakes in my friend's mindset. He called up a new insurance advisor when he was in a function asking for an OTP (one-time-password) that he got to his mobile phone. He was irritated. My friend says he just logged in a new insurance advisor ID for him, it is okay but my friends would have asked the new advisor what is the convenient time for him and he would be prepared for OTP and there would be no discussion, is it correct my friends. Also, one more mistake he did was there is an exam fee involved of 1000 rupees which he did not mention to them prior, and the team members were not prepared with the money to pay. Now he started logging new IDs for them and they have no money, again a lot of discussions. He should inform them prior and they would have prepared and then he should create new IDs. There are these small, small types of mistakes that we also make, is it not my friends? Why I am sharing all these are we should learn from other's mistakes too. Life is so short to make ourselves all the mistakes and learn. Someone has told us we should not put our finger in the fire and it will burn, is it not? Someone has told us should be careful with a knife or else it will cut your finger. My dear friends, keep your senses open and learn from other people's mistakes too. It will save you a lot of time, energy, money, disturbance, discussions, relationships, which you can use to spend with your loved ones, hobbies, on the improvement of yourselves and so on. I stress personal development as if you focus on this, you can be successful in any walk of your life. I also deal with Vestige business which provides good quality products of personal care, daily kitchen use, cosmetics, farmers, health supplements. You can contact me (see my number below) if you want to know more about how to protect your health, and earn a lot of money part-time or full time and do travel the whole world, buy a new car, house, generate money for your nominee, build a big business with small or no investment. I hope you all have a fantastic day. Wish you health and wealth, Vestige.
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